Travel and Tourism Professionals
all around the World

1934 Foundation

Skål International was born in Paris

297 Clubs

More than 297 Clubs around the world

85 Countries

Clubs and members of more than 85 countries

12122 Members

More than 12122 travel and tourism professionals connected

89 years empowering our network of contacts for the promotion of Travel and Tourism worldwide

Professional Connections
Exclusive business opportunities
Global Network
Travel and Tourism trade shows
Discounts and special benefits
Environmental commitment
Academy for members
Promotional activities
Local and Global

Join the most important global network in the Travel and Tourism industry

Skål International affiliations:

Latest News

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Skål International Partners

Committed to our partners working together in the promotion of Travel and Tourism

Any questions?

Need additional information or just having some thoughts about the Travel and Tourism industry to share? Feel free to leave us a message and we will get in touch with you:


General Secretariat :
Avda. Palma de Mallorca, Nº 15 – 1º
Edificio España 29620
Torremolinos – Málaga
Phone: +34 952 389 111

Working Hours

Monday to Friday: 09.00-17.00 hours